Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Managing People and Team within BlueScope Steel Company

Question: Discuss about theManaging People and Team within BlueScope Steel Company. Answer: Introduction BlueScope Steel Company is an Australia based steel manufacturing organization. This organization produces variety of products in painted finishes and metallic coated towards fulfilling the demands of the building market. This organization offers the guarantee for great durability along with flexibility in superior designing. The products of this organization are available from the suppliers work throughout the entire nation. The current number of employees in BlueScope is almost 16,000 (BlueScope Steel Australia: Building Products, 2017). This organization is currently facing problems due to high level of absenteeism, record low productivity, protracted industrial action, insubordination and the negative media attention, low cultural improvements and unsuitable HR director. Being a representative from a boutique HR consultancy, it is my duty to provide recommendations for solutions of the problems faced by the organization. Recommendations Towards Rebuilding the Organization back into Employer of Choice These recommendations will help BlueScope into rebuilding their image as the employer of choice within next two years. These ideas will in increasing employee motivation, employee performance, employee retention rate, succession planning and improving talent management. Employee Motivation There are five steps which will be useful in increasing employee motivation within the manufacturing organization BlueScope. The first step is to provide a positive working environment towards the employees. Positive work environment always motivate the employees towards working efficiently within the organization (Kleinbeck et al. 2013). Secondly, I will use reward and recognition for the employees for their good job. It will help in creating the environment where the employees feel themselves important parts of the organization (Bipath, 2014). Ill give a personal note or, will pat on the back of the employees when he performs well. I will celebrate the small successes of the employees so that they can understand their importance within the organization. Thirdly, I will involve the employees in the main workforce of the organization. It will help the employees ideas to come out. In this way, the employees suggestions are considered as important as the CEOs. This process helps in increasing the innovation within the organization (McGuire, 2013). Fourthly, I will try to develop the working skills of the employees through proper training and development programs. These training programs help the employees to polish their current skills and also increase the working capability within the organization (Nel et al. 2014). Finally, I will always evaluate and measure the job satisfaction level of the employees of the organization. Evaluation is an on-going process that helps in measuring the progress and the areas where the improvements are needed (Bach Edwards, 2013). Employee Performance The first stage of improving the employee performance is to provide them proper training program which will help them to improve their work performance. The care towards the employees should be shown as this care gives them the feeling of safety within the organization (Ocansey, 2016). The care includes the small celebration of employees birthdays, sending gifts for the wedding and new babies of the employees etc. It provides the employees the feeling of love and value. Another way is to provide recognition for the good job such as providing spot bonuses for the good performance. Providing promotions from within the organization is another way to improve employee performance as the promotion should be done based on the good performance only. Performance appraisal is another way which helps to highlight the positive and negative qualities of the employees and this also is helpful in improving the employee performance (Hunitie, 2017). Employee Retention Rate Employee retention rate can be increased by asking the employees for their feedback about their own performance, the performance of their co-workers, the overall organizations performance and the suggestion about how to improve these performances. Having trust upon the employees helps to make them motivated by giving them the feeling of empowerment within the organization (Younge Marx, 2015). It is also important to let the team members know about their performance. But, it should be done anonymously. It will help to improve the performance of the employees and at the same time without hampering their prestige within the organization. It is important to provide full independence to the employees to work in their own way. It will help to increase the confidence level of the employees. When the employees realize that the employer trust them and their talent, they automatically feel motivated towards their job within the organization. This strategy will help to retain the productive em ployees within the organization. Succession Planning Proper succession planning is needed within this BlueScope Steel as it will provide the future leaders from the current employees. This process reduces the cost of recruitment process to employ a new high ranked employee. For this succession planning, it is very important to be proactive which means to provide enough time to prepare a capable candidate for the future leader. Keeping open mind is always acceptable as it does not help in showing disregard to any promising employee. It is the duty of the potential manager to help the promising employee to know about the vision of the organization. Keeping track of the achievements of the employees is also important. Moreover, effective training should be organized to improve the performance of the potential employee. A trial run should be done by providing some responsibilities on the potential employee as it will help the employee in gaining experience which will help him in the future (Peters-Hawkins, Reed Kingsberry, 2017). Talent Management For proper talent management, proper workforce planning should be done. Based on that, recruitment should be done as per the job roles and job descriptions. Them the training and development program should be arranged based on the performance of the employees. Succession planning should be done based on the improved performance of the employees and compensation and benefits should be offered. At last gap analysis should be done and based on that the next workforce planning should be performed (Baqutayan, 2014). Proposal for Improving the Organizational Culture Culture is a side of life for a group of people including their values, beliefs, behaviors etc. Culture generates through communication among each other (Bipath, 2014). As in Blue Scope Steel, the absenteeism rate is high and productivity is low, so, the healthy organizational culture is needed urgently as it helps to create the employee loyalty towards the organization. Effective corporate culture not only helps in maintaining the local and global competition among the companies, it also helps the organization to create the corporate culture. This corporate culture helps to attract and retain the talented employees that lead to organizational success. Participative organizational culture would be good for this BlueScope Steel, Australia. It involves all the employees in the collective decision making process. It encourages the stakeholders to be involved in all the levels of the organization and in the problem analysis, strategic development and solution implementing process. Participative organizational culture will effect this manufacturing organization by increasing the employee loyalty towards the organization as it will help to improve the employee retention rate (Idowu, 2016). It will also help to motivate the current employees towards performing their job in the best manner. Moreover, it can be said that this participative organizational culture will help to create happy employees those will help to achieve the organizational success. Replacing the Current HR Director of BlueScope The current HR Director of BlueScope Steel is not good in his job and the managing authority wants a replacement of that position and they wanted me recruit a permanent HR Director for the organization. So, I first chalked out the qualifications and qualities needed for that particular post. I then posted an advertisement in LinkedIn. That job advertisement will contain that the HR Director must have the masters degree in Human Resources Management. That person must have the working experience for 10 years or more in the position of HR manager. The person should have the Certificate IV in Human resources. Moreover, that person applying for the post of HR Director of BlueScope Steel should have communication skills, mental ability to understand the situation within the organization, ability of draft organizational policies etc. He should have the educational skills including the learning and teaching skills. He should have the ability to differentiate between the right and wrong and choose the best one. The future HR director of BlueScope Steel should have the ability to execute the managerial decisions related to the personnel issues. The leadership qualities are also important for the position of HR director. Professional attitude is needed for this job. Conclusion The present scenario presented the issues those are currently facing by BlueScope Steel, Australia. I was hired for this organization to sort out their current issues regarding human resources. My recommendations about establishing employee motivation, improving employee performance, increasing employee retention rate, and proper succession planning and talent management will help the steel manufacturing organization towards decrease the current rate of absenteeism, low productivity, negative media attention, insubordination etc. human resources related issues. The organizational culture of BlueScope was also poor and I being a member of a HR boutique, proposed some suggestions towards improving their poor organizational culture through implementing participative organizational culture. I also helped the organization in replacing their current HR Director of BlueScope Steel, Australia. Reference List: Books: Bach, S., Edwards, M. (2013).Managing human resources(1st ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Kleinbeck, U., Quast, H., Thierry, H., H"cker, H. (2013).Work Motivation(1st ed.). Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Nel, P., Werner, A., Botha, C., Du Plessies, A., Mey, M., Ngalo, O. et al. (2014).Human resources management(1st ed.). Cape Town, South Africa: Oxford University Press Southern Africa. Journals: Baqutayan, S. (2014). Is Talent Management Important? An Overview of Talent Management and the Way to Optimize Employee Performance.Mediterranean Journal Of Social Sciences, 5(2), 96-108. Bipath, K. (2014). The Strength of Organisational Culture: Organisational Performance in South African Schools.Mediterranean Journal Of Social Sciencesm 9(16), 146-174. Hunitie, M. (2017). The impact of servant leadership style on employee service quality,Employee Creativity, Employee Commitment And Employee Performance International Journal Of Business Research,17(1), 43-50. Idowu, O. (2016). Understanding Organisational Culture and Organisational Performance: Are They Two Sides of the Same Coin?.Journal Of Management Research,8(4), 12. Ocansey, F. (2016). Training the Employee for Improved Performance: the Mediating Role of Employee Performance Appraisal.TEXILA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT,2(2), 111-118. Peters-Hawkins, A., Reed, L., Kingsberry, F. (2017). Dynamic Leadership Succession.Urban Education, 10(8), 123-125. Younge, K., Marx, M. (2015). The Value of Employee Retention: Evidence From a Natural Experiment.Journal Of Economics Management Strategy,25(3), 652-677. McGuire, F. (2013). Exploring line manager relationships with trade unions and the HR function. Strategic HR Review, 12(6), 214-248. Website: BlueScope Steel Australia: Building Products. (2017) Retrieved 4 May 2017, from

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